Friday, July 8, 2011

Library Research 2011

Library Research 2011
One of the hardest things about research is actually finding the information and making sure it is correct. On the Internet you can post anything you want and say anything you want. When you have to find something you have to take extra steps to prevent false information. When you go to Google alone millions of pages pop up so you have to take the time to find out what’s what. This library course has helped me out a lot even though we only met once a week. I was able to understand different key words that revolve around the subject. I learned that just typing in something like Infant Mortality is a broad topic that can be narrowed down to something more specific like SIDS or another subtopic. Without this class I wouldn’t know specific examples of plagiarism or stories that are false or true. One thing that may have been useful to me would have been slightly tougher lessons that made us think harder then what we actually were in the class. Some of the assignments like the story were fun, but they were kind of easy, because some of them were common sense stories. But other than that I don’t have much to complain about.
it. Over all it was an amazing class and an extremely  good experience. .

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you enjoyed this class and feel like you learned a few new skills.

    Narrowing and defining your research topic is an important skill to have, and it will help you no matter what career you decide to pursue.

    I enjoyed your comment about wanting more challenging assignments! :) In previous years students have complained about the assignments for this course so we tweak them a little every year, and tried to make them easier.

    Good luck to you in your future studies!

    Melissa De Santis, MLIS
    Deputy Director
    Health Sciences Library
    Univ of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
